Excited to announce the launch ofΒ  GAME CHANGERS by ENERGAME, our comprehensive global initiative designed to empower the next generation of leaders through education!

Building on the success of our diverse CSR educational programs launched in 2023, GAME CHANGERS unites our efforts under a single, powerful banner.

At Energame, we firmly believe that investing in the education of scholars and students is paramount, as they are the ones who will drive the changes that shape our future. Β We focus on education because, as a knowledgeβ€”and skills-based industry, we know that acquiring education and skills is the first step to improving individual lives and society at large.

This year, we're expanding our support on such learning initiatives:

  • General university-level scholarships
  • Strategic partnerships with Cypriot institutions
  • Workshops/Motivational Talks in Universities
  • Internal project β€œgENERation” to boost the potential of children in Energame families

Stay tuned for more details!